19 Jul Register for a Live ELD Q&A Session
After December 16, 2019, all motor carriers and drivers subject to the ELD rule will be required to use electronic logging devices (ELDs) to record hours-of-service data. To help the motor carrier industry and ELD providers prepare for this important deadline, FMCSA is hosting a series of live question and answer sessions.
Register for a Live ELD Q&A Session
To keep these sessions as informative for the participants as possible, FMCSA is segmenting the Q&A sessions by audience. Select the most relevant session for you and register using the links below.
Sessions for Motor Carriers and Drivers:
• Tuesday, August 13, 2:00-3:00 pm EST Register Now
• Thursday, August 15, 1:00-2:00 pm EST Register Now
Sessions for ELD Providers:
• Monday, August 12, 10:00-11:00 am EST Register now
• Wednesday, August 14, 2:00-3:00 pm EST Register now
Space is limited. Recordings of the sessions will be made available on the ELD website.