13 Sep Potential rail strike could have severe implications for agribusiness
As you are aware, railroads and rail labor have until 12:01 a.m. on Sept. 16 to reach an agreement preventing a lockout or strike after the Presidential Emergency Board published a proposed settlement on Aug. 17.
Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association is working with its national affiliate organizations as well as the Kansas Congressional Delegation to find solutions to the impending rail labor strike.
As this deadline approaches, there is no agreement yet in place. According to The Fertilizer Institute, Rail carriers announced Friday evening that shipments of fertilizer products, such as ammonia – a key fertilizer and building block for approximately three-fourths of all fertilizer – will start coming off rail networks as early as this Monday.
In a letter coordinated and sent by our affiliated national associations yesterday, the groups urged leaders of railroads and rail labor unions to remain at the negotiating table and commit to reaching an agreement by Thursday to avoid a nationwide rail shutdown. Congress could be called upon to settle differences in the event of an impasse in negotiations, but the hope is to avoid this potential outcome.
Below are two steps you can take during this negotiation process:
Reach out to your rail and labor contacts and implore them to stay at the negotiating table and continue working toward an agreement.
Call your lawmakers below and explain to them the the hardship agricultural facilities have already been experiencing with rail service disruptions, as well as the potential damages of a stoppage in the middle of fall harvest. Ask your elected officials to intervene immediately if railroads and labor fail to reach an agreement.
Use The Fertilizer Institute’s rapid action tool to urge congress to act to avoid a shutown.
Senator Jerry Moran
(202) 224-6521
Senator Roger Marshall
(202) 224-4774
Congresswoman Sharice Davids
Democrat | 3rd District
(202) 225-2865
Congressman Ron Estes
Republican | 4th District
(202) 225-6216
Congressman Jake LaTurner
Republican | 2nd District
(202) 225-6601
Congressman Tracey Mann
Republican | 1st District
(202) 225-2715